Friday, September 6, 2013

Traders are Gods!

They control the air we breathe :  Road are occupied by them without any regard to the pedestrians or other road-users, thus, causing vehicle pile-up and pollution.  More airborne diseases, more money to the traders who sell only costly medicine (even Govt cannot compel them to sell essential drugs at cheaper price!).  More vendors, more collection of interest by way of lending to the start-up business.

They control the water we drink :  Leave alone linking of rivers, every drop of water we drink pass through the dirty hands of the illegal traders engaged in the business of selling natural resources at premium.  There is no guarantee with regard to the quality and there is no system of checking, too.  If they wish, they can poison and eliminate population of an entire area with just one load of water-cans and law will take it own course of decades to fix the responsibility as to who is Guilty!!!

They decide what to cultivate and we have to eat the produce which is affordable and available :  Like recent Onion shortage which was created intentionally by some brilliant traders who were getting less profit from Gold, traders decide what produce and what quantity is to be available in the market.

So, isn't our Traders are Gods?????

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